HCM Academy
On-demand and innovative education for healthcare professionals designed to provide essential knowledge and improve clinical skill surrounding hypertrophic (hyper-tro-fic) cardiomyopathy (cardio-my-o-pathy) diagnosis and management.
Thousands of people are living with undiagnosed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or HCM. This heart disease causes thickening of the heart walls and impacts as many as 1 in 200 people. HCM places affected people at risk of complications, including sudden cardiac arrest at any age.


Case Studies
Are you able to successfully recognise and manage HCM? Leading experts break down clinical information and share practical considerations for best outcomes using real case examples

Live Webinars
Join international HCM experts as they discuss key topics relevant to your practice setting – with separate content for primary and secondary care providers

Online Modules
Delayed diagnosis of HCM can have a profound impact on patient quality of life and disease outcomes. Learn the essentials surrounding timely diagnosis and management
HCM Academy aims to enhance diagnosis and management of HCM, leading to decreased hospitalization and mortality rates. The program has been created with leading HCM experts – our Steering Committee. Live webinars and on-demand courses are being delivered by global HCM specialists – our international program faculty.
Why use HCM Academy?
HCM Academy provides free courses for GPs, family physicians, nurses, and community cardiology teams. It was created to support timely diagnosis and best practice care for people living with HCM. Created with leading international HCM experts, you will gain essential knowledge and detailed clinical direction to confidently take to your practice and share with colleagues.
Offering live and on-demand activities, you can develop your own curriculum based upon your needs and schedule. Through a variety of resources, you will learn directly from HCM experts and hear from HCM patients about their lived experiences.
On-demand professional education and free CME
Global expert perspectives and best practice
Latest disease, medical, and drug information